Wednesday 2 November 2011

Rosa Parks

Photos Retrieved via Google Images


Malcolm X

Photos Retrieved via Google Images

Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream - August 28, 1963

Martin Luther King Jr.

Photos Retrieved via Google Images

They Have Not A Clue ...

Photos Retrieved via Blackberry Messenger

Our Children Have No Clue About Black History

Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Rosa Parks are three of the most popular black historians who made a huge difference to "blacks" all over the world. They are many others such as Nelson Mandela who also made a difference to black history, but, I've decided to speak about these three main people because when our young people ,who are still in school, are questioned about these people they have not the slightest idea who these people are and what they did for our people. As is shown in previous blogs children who ought to know about these influential people have not the slightest clue who these people are OR they choose not know acknowledge them because it is " boring". As young as I am this is a very big concern of mine, that our young people have no knowledge or further more they look at the achievements which were accomplished as " boring". The generation of today fail to understand how important these people were to the coloured, these people paved the way for all of us today. These people stood up for coloured rights and fought for equality among the whites and blacks. These people sacrificed everything they had to make sure that we who live on this earth today would not have to suffer like our ancestors did in their times. These people were not afraid to speak out against the unfair treatment which the blacks were receiving and because of them we are now allowed the same luxuries as the whites and more.
Our children should be educated about these historians, as" boring" as it may sound to the ears of a youth it is a necessity for them to know the basic about what great achievements these people accomplished. These people are the reason for everything blacks achieve today and will continue to achieve in the future. Having our youth walk around not knowing about what great sacrifices where made so we may live as one in the world is a disgrace not only to the parents and school but to those who made it possible. Youth should be on point when asked a question about any of the the historians who fought for us. No longer should we here " idk who them is" or " but that boring". Our youth should be proud about what these people did for us, they should not find any of the pass " boring" but exciting and educational. Our youth should not be ashamed to be Black but proud to share all the great things people of our coloured stood up for. They should want to continue the legacy which they began and assure that what happened in the pass may never happen again in the future.

Monday 31 October 2011

Love Music Now and Then

Love music today does not have the same feel as it did in the yesteryear's. When we listen to the radio today the love music which once made us pick up the phone and call that special someone, does not have that effect it once did. When we here today's love music on the radio it just makes up think about that one person when ever we can hear that one line in the song at gives up that mellow feeling. Most of the love music today involves more sex explicit words than it does those words that us just want to run off and marry that love one. Music has such a large impact on our lives today and most artist fail to understand what they put out there to be sold is what our young people will grow up listening to . Many people today do not refer to the song which we as the youth consider love music to be music. To older people such as our parents or grandparents consider this music today to be noise.
Love music in the 80's and 90's meant something to people when they were requested or just played on the radio. When a spouse would play a specific song for the other or sing a line to the other it meant something other than " can I get in them draws?". Today's the music is basically the easier way for a male or female to ask the other " can I get some ?" and this is what we are selling to our youth. This is also a huge part of why the classics by Luther Vandross, Dur Hill, Boyz II Men and many others are still played on the radio stations and are still chosen to be wedding songs. Because these songs have the true meaning of love without all the sex explicit lyrics and all the cursing and disgracing women they will continue to live on in our heart and also on our airwaves. When we attending wedding we never hear song by Kelly Rolland, Rihanna, Lil wayne etc. because these songs are not suited to be played at these type of functions whether it be because of their lyrics so simply because they don't make us feel that love that we ought to feel when with our spouse. It has been said on many radio station that the love music which is being produce today is very "hurtful". When this meaning is explained they go onto say hurtful inn meaning it makes a person feel insure about love or it is more towards the break-up said of love. If a person really sits and examine the lyrics in some of these so called " love songs" , you would realize most of the lyrics are about being hurt or breaking up. For example in Beyonce's love song Best Thing I Never Had already the name of the song is hurtful. Although it is meant to be a break-up song it is extremely painful compared to One Last Cry by Brian Mcknight. Beyonce says in her song "Lord knows it would take another place another time, another world another life thank God I found the good in goodbye" these lyrics , in my personal view, are very depressing to say to a person you spent your time on and then things didn't go as planned and in return you request this song for that person. Here now Brian Mcknight says,in what is seen as a break up song, he says " One last cry before I put it all behind I gotta put you out of my mind this time stop living a lie I guess I'm down to my last cry". Though this is seen as a break-up song he does not  brutally say harsh thing to hurt this person feeling he says it in a manner where the person can understand the hurt but also realize he is making and effort to move on.

When we look at the music today and the music yesteryear we can truly see that it has come along way but we also question the quality of it. Classic will always be the better music because it has the soul and it puts across how we feel even if we are afraid to say it to the person directly. Artist have to realize that they are seen as role models to our younger generation and that people of older age would still like to here a nice clean love song every once in awhile. People don't always want to hear about sex and weed and how many girls you can call a "tramp" or what ever the case may be, people want to feel love and music is the number one way to make a person feel special but this is being destroyed because of the quality of music which is being produced today.

Blackberry Service in Barbados

Barbados has two service providers for blackberry phones which are Digicel and Lime. Both of these services offer the same packages but at different prices. Both of these providers are expected to have the new 4G network by the beginning of next year. Lately the service from both of these providers has been very poor. Messages take forever to send  and updates are not being updated until hours later. This service has recently being happening and many of the customers are complaining about the slow network but these companies are doing nothing to fix the problem. Some of the problems which the customer are experiencing come from the world wide service provider of Blackberry call RIM, but however the other problems come from either Digicel or Lime. Now it is understandable that some problems may come because they are trying to get the 4G ready for next year but some consideration should be given to the customers who are currently using the service. For the past week the service has been moving at snail paste but this is not the most frustrating part of this issue the GRPS or EDGE which is suppose to be in caps lock is now going to common letter or GSM is appearing. This is very annoying when you are having a casual conversation and then suddenly a clock comes up and your messages are delivered the next day. This also confuses people because then they are questioning what the person is saying now this message has been delivered a whole day after it was typed.
Sometimes the companies, well Digicel, would give back money to the phones who lost certain days of service when they know there provider was down. Lime on the other hand we are not sure if they gave back but it was said that their service is always slow whether the RIM is down or not their service is just always slow. Most of the time Digicel works faster but it was only recently they network has been playing the fool and their customers are very upset. We know with Lime it does not matter whether your phone is prepaid or postpaid the service is forever slow. Many customers complain that they are being ripped off because of the amount of money Lime removes for a service which works once in a blue moon. They also said sometime if you do not watch your credit carefully they take off more that what is due for the service. Digicel has set plans that you send the money one time and the service comes on, the headache of the company taking of the money for you is not needed.
I believe Digicel and Lime need some competition so they would up their standards with this network. If AT&T or ORANGE was to make a service provider in Barbados and their service was excellent, Digicel and Lime would up their business so they don't lose their loyal customers. However if they do not, and they continue to provider this slow and stupid service for Blackberries they will surely lose business and  people will stop buy blackberries because the messaging system is a waste of time. People would return to Nokia's and Iphones etc. So a wise word to Digicel and Lime if your networking service is not up to speed before the middle of 2012 you will lose many customers.

Ambassadors of Barbados

The Government of Barbados have a tenacity of giving the title "Ambassador" to those who make a name for the country for example singing sensation Robin ' Rihanna' Fenty. These ambassadors are mainly chosen because of their international status and the name in which they can give the island. However they are a few national people who have not yet made it internationally BUT who are trying there very best to show the world what Barbados has to offer.Young entrepreneurs such as Ronnie Morris have take the music industry in Barbados to another level, showcasing to the world the talent which is not only found in Barbados but also through out the Caribbean. The Barbadian Government fails to recognize the smaller individuals who are trying to make a difference, help Barbados become more noticeable so people who hear about us will not only think of that little is land where Rihanna or Ryan Brathwaite was raised, but they would look at us as an island who has allot to offer. These young entrepreneurs who are trying their very best to become a " somebody" are not receiving the support they should getting be from the Government and also the people of Barbados. In order for Barbados to progress and make a name for it's own, to attract more tourists to the island so they may want to invest in some aspect of the island whether it be music wise or building wise they would have an idea of who we are and what we are capable of because of these young entrepreneurs.
Along with the lack of support which we give towards our young entrepreneurs, we also tend to " bad talk" as Barbadians would say our own. Even if the show or product is something which people would have thought they would never see in Barbados in a million years , they still find some flaw in it and trash talks it everywhere. It is said that there is no way to please "bajans" and it has been clearly shown. Our ambassadors seem to hold the most critics for the newspapers, radio stations etc. People come and try to show Barbadians things they would have to travel afar to see, they also try to ease the pockets of these people because of the harsh economic times but yet journalist and nationals find the little flaw in whatever is showcase and from that little flaw the good which came out of it has been over looked. These are a few bad habits which we must cut out of our society if we are to make our island more attractive and introduce new things which will catch the interest of tourists and also allow us to experience things which most of us only view on the television.