Wednesday 2 November 2011

Our Children Have No Clue About Black History

Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Rosa Parks are three of the most popular black historians who made a huge difference to "blacks" all over the world. They are many others such as Nelson Mandela who also made a difference to black history, but, I've decided to speak about these three main people because when our young people ,who are still in school, are questioned about these people they have not the slightest idea who these people are and what they did for our people. As is shown in previous blogs children who ought to know about these influential people have not the slightest clue who these people are OR they choose not know acknowledge them because it is " boring". As young as I am this is a very big concern of mine, that our young people have no knowledge or further more they look at the achievements which were accomplished as " boring". The generation of today fail to understand how important these people were to the coloured, these people paved the way for all of us today. These people stood up for coloured rights and fought for equality among the whites and blacks. These people sacrificed everything they had to make sure that we who live on this earth today would not have to suffer like our ancestors did in their times. These people were not afraid to speak out against the unfair treatment which the blacks were receiving and because of them we are now allowed the same luxuries as the whites and more.
Our children should be educated about these historians, as" boring" as it may sound to the ears of a youth it is a necessity for them to know the basic about what great achievements these people accomplished. These people are the reason for everything blacks achieve today and will continue to achieve in the future. Having our youth walk around not knowing about what great sacrifices where made so we may live as one in the world is a disgrace not only to the parents and school but to those who made it possible. Youth should be on point when asked a question about any of the the historians who fought for us. No longer should we here " idk who them is" or " but that boring". Our youth should be proud about what these people did for us, they should not find any of the pass " boring" but exciting and educational. Our youth should not be ashamed to be Black but proud to share all the great things people of our coloured stood up for. They should want to continue the legacy which they began and assure that what happened in the pass may never happen again in the future.

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