Monday 31 October 2011

Ambassadors of Barbados

The Government of Barbados have a tenacity of giving the title "Ambassador" to those who make a name for the country for example singing sensation Robin ' Rihanna' Fenty. These ambassadors are mainly chosen because of their international status and the name in which they can give the island. However they are a few national people who have not yet made it internationally BUT who are trying there very best to show the world what Barbados has to offer.Young entrepreneurs such as Ronnie Morris have take the music industry in Barbados to another level, showcasing to the world the talent which is not only found in Barbados but also through out the Caribbean. The Barbadian Government fails to recognize the smaller individuals who are trying to make a difference, help Barbados become more noticeable so people who hear about us will not only think of that little is land where Rihanna or Ryan Brathwaite was raised, but they would look at us as an island who has allot to offer. These young entrepreneurs who are trying their very best to become a " somebody" are not receiving the support they should getting be from the Government and also the people of Barbados. In order for Barbados to progress and make a name for it's own, to attract more tourists to the island so they may want to invest in some aspect of the island whether it be music wise or building wise they would have an idea of who we are and what we are capable of because of these young entrepreneurs.
Along with the lack of support which we give towards our young entrepreneurs, we also tend to " bad talk" as Barbadians would say our own. Even if the show or product is something which people would have thought they would never see in Barbados in a million years , they still find some flaw in it and trash talks it everywhere. It is said that there is no way to please "bajans" and it has been clearly shown. Our ambassadors seem to hold the most critics for the newspapers, radio stations etc. People come and try to show Barbadians things they would have to travel afar to see, they also try to ease the pockets of these people because of the harsh economic times but yet journalist and nationals find the little flaw in whatever is showcase and from that little flaw the good which came out of it has been over looked. These are a few bad habits which we must cut out of our society if we are to make our island more attractive and introduce new things which will catch the interest of tourists and also allow us to experience things which most of us only view on the television.

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