Monday 31 October 2011

Blackberry Service in Barbados

Barbados has two service providers for blackberry phones which are Digicel and Lime. Both of these services offer the same packages but at different prices. Both of these providers are expected to have the new 4G network by the beginning of next year. Lately the service from both of these providers has been very poor. Messages take forever to send  and updates are not being updated until hours later. This service has recently being happening and many of the customers are complaining about the slow network but these companies are doing nothing to fix the problem. Some of the problems which the customer are experiencing come from the world wide service provider of Blackberry call RIM, but however the other problems come from either Digicel or Lime. Now it is understandable that some problems may come because they are trying to get the 4G ready for next year but some consideration should be given to the customers who are currently using the service. For the past week the service has been moving at snail paste but this is not the most frustrating part of this issue the GRPS or EDGE which is suppose to be in caps lock is now going to common letter or GSM is appearing. This is very annoying when you are having a casual conversation and then suddenly a clock comes up and your messages are delivered the next day. This also confuses people because then they are questioning what the person is saying now this message has been delivered a whole day after it was typed.
Sometimes the companies, well Digicel, would give back money to the phones who lost certain days of service when they know there provider was down. Lime on the other hand we are not sure if they gave back but it was said that their service is always slow whether the RIM is down or not their service is just always slow. Most of the time Digicel works faster but it was only recently they network has been playing the fool and their customers are very upset. We know with Lime it does not matter whether your phone is prepaid or postpaid the service is forever slow. Many customers complain that they are being ripped off because of the amount of money Lime removes for a service which works once in a blue moon. They also said sometime if you do not watch your credit carefully they take off more that what is due for the service. Digicel has set plans that you send the money one time and the service comes on, the headache of the company taking of the money for you is not needed.
I believe Digicel and Lime need some competition so they would up their standards with this network. If AT&T or ORANGE was to make a service provider in Barbados and their service was excellent, Digicel and Lime would up their business so they don't lose their loyal customers. However if they do not, and they continue to provider this slow and stupid service for Blackberries they will surely lose business and  people will stop buy blackberries because the messaging system is a waste of time. People would return to Nokia's and Iphones etc. So a wise word to Digicel and Lime if your networking service is not up to speed before the middle of 2012 you will lose many customers.

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